Example: Achievement

This achievement, Speed Run, is awarded to players which complete the encounter within a given time limit.

# We store the time limit in a param, so we can easily tweak it.
timeLimit = paramGet Number, 'speedRunLimit'

# Helper which returns true if the event indicates that the game has
# finished and players have won.
isVictoryEvent = (e) ->
    (eventName e) == 'finishGame' && (eventData e, 'outcome') == 'victory'

class Achievement

    constructor: ->
        @startedAt = null

    handleEvent: (e) ->

        # Store the time when players start the game (engage the boss).
        if (eventName e) == 'startGame'
            @startedAt = currentTime

        # If the players win the game within the limit, give them all this
        # achievement.
        else if (isVictoryEvent e) && currentTime - @startedAt < timeLimit
            forEach players, (x) -> awardAchievement x, self

module.exports = Achievement