type WorldObject

This type represents an object in the world. You can create new world objects using worldCreateUnit, and can list all world objects using worldGetUnits.


Each WorldObject has a position in the world. You can query the position and move the object somewhere else.


Each object exists in a certain phase. A phase is identified by a string. Only objects within the same phase can see each other. The default phase is null.


Attributes are key/value pairs attached to a WorldObject. There are a few basic attributes, and you can also create your own.

  • health: When this attribute reaches zero then the WorldObject has died. This is displayed in the client UI as the health bar. The game engine will clamp this value between zero and max-health.
  • max-health: The maximum health that the unit can have.

Spells and Cooldowns

A WorldObject can cast only one spell at a time. Casting a spell may take some time, during that time the object may or may not move. Spells can be interrupted. Each spell is part of a cooldown group, all spells in that group share the same cooldown. Once a spell is successfully cast, no spell in the same cooldown group may be cast until the cooldown expires.


Each WorldObject has a list of auras. The auras can strengthen or weaken the unit by accessing and modifying the combat log events during each tick.

See Also

worldCreateUnit, TerrainPosition