
Auras are attached to a WorldObject. They remain attached until they are removed. An aura can also be triggered, either by itself or by another script. And it can filter events: drop events altogether, modify event arguments or attach reactions to the events.

Auras on a unit are unique by name. If you add an aura which already exists on the unit, it is up to your script what should happen.

These are the functions which are used by the game engine. All functions are optional.

start :: undefined

Called just after the aura is first attached to a unit. This function is called exactly onece.

refresh :: undefined

When the aura is already attached to the unit, addAura calls this function. You can chose whether to reset the state, ignore the event, or to stack the aura (eg. multiple stacks increase the effect).

trigger :: undefined

The triggerAura event directly calls this function. The use-case here is to trigger your aura whenever it should do something. If your trigger function triggers itself, this can also be used to implement periodic actions.

remove :: undefined

Called by the removeAura event. Caution: removeAura removes all unprocessed events of the aura. This implies that all scheduleEvent calls in remove of an aura will be immediately discarded (even if the delay is 0).

hasFinished :: Boolean

Aura Options

An optional option dictionary can be passed to the addAura event to propagate information of auras across units.

options = { numberOfCharges: 10, stacks: 5, duration: 5 }
target.addAura 'aura name', options

Some of the option names are reserved for displaying aura information in the UI:

  • stacks: number of aura stacks
  • duration: remaining duration the aura is active

Note: The duration field will be used as a default duration of an aura and a removeAura event will be scheduled automatically on start.

Convenience Functions

To facilitate aura handling we provide the following convenience functions:

changeAuraDuration(target, name, delta_t) :: undefined

Increases or decreases the aura (name) duration on target by delta_t. Pending removeAura events are altered when this function is invoked.